Thursday, February 27, 2014

C4KSummary for month February

My MysterySkype with Jillian Morris
The student's blog that I was assigned to comment on this week was named Craig. He did an excellent job on giving facts about sharks. Before reading Craig's blog I knew little about sharks. He taught me that 100,000 sharks are killed each year to make soup. I also was shocked when I read in his blog that only 5 people are killed by shark accidents a year. I also learned that if scientist tag sharks they have to be put asleep. Craig did a great job on his blog and I look forward to reading more.

About You Survey
This week my student that I was assigned was named Jordan. I had to do an About You Survey on his blog. There were five different questions that I had to answer. I told Jordan where I lived, that I was a female, my favorite color, favorite sport, and favorite book. I told Jordan that I loved the idea of having a survey on his blog.

Of Mice and Men
When doing my third C4K, the student I was assigned was Edson. Edson had to do a reflection on the book "Of Mice and Men." He explained the rules the character, Lennie, needed to follow. I love how he put himself as a character and explained in his blog how he could never get along with one of the characters, Curley. He said that Curley was always looking for problems. I explained to Edson that I agreed with him and I don't think I would get along with Curley either. Edson explained how he thought the book should be titled "A Better Life" instead of "Of Mice and Men." I told Edson that I loved the title that he came up with and that I think it would be a great title also.
Of Mice and Men

Disney World
For my fourth C4K I had a student name Gillian. I loved Gillian's blog because it was about Disney World. Gillian talked about the rides she rode in Disney. She talked about the ride Tower of Terror and it is one of my favorite rides. Gillian also talked about how her family has the tradition to ride Pirates of the Caribbean first each time they go to Disney. They do this because that is what her mom did with her parents when she was a little girl. I told Gillian that I loved how they had a tradition and I thought it was very neat. I told Gillian she did a great job on her blog and I loved reading it because I love Disney World.

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