Sunday, April 6, 2014

Blog Post #11

This blog post was done collaboratively by my group San Francisco. We watched each of the videos and answered the following question together, "What can we learn about teaching and learning from these teachers?" Each of the videos was great and taught me great ideas to use in the classroom as a future teacher. Below is the link to the blog post.
Blog Post #11

Teaching in the 21st Century


  1. This is the first time I've seen a blog post presented with a link to a Google Doc! Good job.

  2. Good job of summarizing the information that was presented in the videos. I like that your group provided a direct link to the google doc so that the information wouldn't take up a lot of space on your blog. I was really drawn to the information about Blended Learning. I think it is a great concept to take components from different types of learning styles and blend them together to make the classroom run more effeciently. Keep up the good work!
